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Minggu, 31 Januari 2010



By Eileen Rachman & Sylvina Savitri. (Compass, Saturday, 16 January 2010)

We often think honestly is an attribute, one aspect of personality. Many institutions and organizations that carry out assessment, giving instructions to us for in-depth 'review' honesty of employees or prospective employees. As one aspect of personality, we can check on the honesty with not willing to link or never someone of corruption, fraud in the work. The question is, if only limited scope meant that only the 'honesty'?
Maybe since childhood until today, have hundreds or even thousands of times we heard the advice to act and act honestly. This message can be too simple and if we are careful not to slip by, forgotten. However, if we want to pause for a moment and think about it, this advice might be to change the whole outlook and even the meaning of our lives. Are not we will feel great relief when can say honestly? Do not we realize that sometimes contain honest internal forces that causes us not be shaken even desperate and have the attitude 'nothing to loose? We just can not patted his chest, accept ourselves, to overcome frustration, to appreciate the gift of life when we are honest with ourselves, the environment, organization and nation?

Fertilize dialogue with himself.

We ourselves are aware that we often deny the conflict, attitudes, and even thoughts themselves. No convey the problems we face with the reason does not want to make others difficult. Not reported irregularities in solidarity on the grounds that doing the wrong friends. By making repeated justification, the more convinced we finally did "lie" is tightly As with the truth. Consequently difficult inner dialogue going on, and the barometer aka "gut ceck" honesty that comes from self-clogged.
In our daily lives as adults is to diligently questioned the reasons for taking action, and not just trapped in a situation where we make our attitudes and actions automatic routine We do need to question why I defend this position? Why I reject notch instruction when it is clearly wrong and harmful? Why do I believe or not believe in my boss?
Strength "gut check" This really is shaping the individual personality. We may not have ability to perform 'different' and characters, especially when facing a tough situation, say slander, accusations, or the temptations of office. Strong characters, like Mahatma Gandhi in the talk, argue, reject or take a position, so was guided by a strong ethical barometer. Ethical attitudes constructed from woven behavior, values and strong beliefs are evaluated every time. Consistency and self awareness which is the base of the decline of the impartiality that should be dynamically alive within the individual.

Beat "self-Interest"

Any small child usually has instilled the value of honesty in him. He must know that lying, cheating, was not well. But, why the community is now often exposed dishonesty is astounding, even occurs in the State presidents superpower, as Nixon and Clinton? We'll see, individualism the community development followed by the development of "self-Interest" rapid. We are used and no longer responds loudly while watching people chase money and profits, rather than fighting for the responsibilities and interests of many. We are even skeptical of institutions in community service are also a lot of reality that is not "clean".
We see that honesty was not able to escape our conscious efforts to overcome personal self-interest. We see that honesty is not just telling the truth and to consider right and wrong, but the practice maturity, so read the movements of a person and mentally. The higher the roles and responsibilities that we waistband, in groups, and institutional environment, we need to fully realize that the heavier weight also claims to show maturity, to realize their roles and responsibilities to promote the interests of the public we serve.

Honesty Work In Progress

Question: "Am I 100% honest?", Can we immediately responded with a do not, we would never violate the traffic lights, cheat, charging personal expenses to the company or achievements add to the presentation or any of our curriculum-vitae. However, we certainly will be keeping our attitudes and actions while in front of children, grandchildren or subordinates, as well as people who we would like to teach honesty and bequeath the noble values of the people we love. This proves that we are able Miniature our approach, both rationally and emotionally to the situation. Honesty is not something that is deep in our personality, to not be traced. All the movements, expression and decision-we can clearly demonstrate honesty.
Honesty is a value that can not be static, it develops in line with the conflict complex situation and self-control transparency and that will help us to avoid actions that far from the truth. Individuals, that especially leadership must realize that he needs to create transparency in the system to travel around the value of honesty still growing. If the situation is severe, a leader can still show the commitment, trustworthy and loyal, we see he will "rank up" in the quality of honesty.
Honesty seems to be the life of an individual target, let alone a leader, because this is the main capital in decision-making and become a powerful shield in the political arena. Only with this power a leader was not shaken by his 'Self-Interest "and it will be known widely with respect.

Rabu, 27 Januari 2010

I am being

Hand of God (football notes by Sindhunata), Kompas, Jakarta 23/11/2009
Edited by Darmansjah

Florian Illies wrote,Van Gaal saying it should trigger a serious theological debate about the image of God that Christianity has been.
Did Not since the theologian Augustine in the early days of the church, Christianity has a picture of God as revealed by Van Gal ( "I like God. I was never sick and always right." From Zeit magazine 5/11/2009), which is God's always true, self-conscious, dominant, arrogant, seriously, though he said he was also innovative, warm, and friendly?
These images would not include what god is real. Even though , de facto, the picture, especially the dominant image of God, arrogant, self-conscious, and serious life for centuries in the Christian self. It's hard, people are freed from the picture.
This shows that the philosopher Ludwig Feurebach criticism of religion, especially Christianity, namely that God is absolute indeed is the fruit of the human mind itself. Awareness of God is the human self-awareness, and knowledge of God is the human self-knowledge. To the nature of God none other than is the human nature itself.
If now someone has a self-conscious of God, dominant, arrogant, cruel, and always right, it really could not be separated from the human traits that make him, the man who is too self conscious, dominant, arrogant, ruthless, and consider myself always right.
Unfortunately, man of God description was eventually created Lord as if it did. And for God's, people were acting dominant, arrogant, loud, violent, and like to impose their own truth to others.
It is time the image of God which was corrected so that the image of God obtained a gentle, full of mercy, forgiveness, compassion, and love. However, it is easy not to correct the image of God. Understand our world as the everyday world. That there is in life is competition, victory, power, and masculinity.
Competition to create dominance. Victory creates arrogance. The power to create injustice. And masculinity to create violence. A Louis van Gaal did not want to continue to succumb under the domination of an "Emperor" Franz Beckenbaeur. Who can defeat the emperor or chairman of a great power and all that, except for "God". Maybe that's why Van Gaal said he is always right as God.
Thierry Henry knows, forbids playing ball with his hands. After all, he did. Understandably, he must obtain a victory by any means', if necessary also with dishonesty "hand of God".
That's the dark side of the everyday world. Thankfully, the side that had emerged and could reflect the situation we are real: we, humans who like to make a picture of God at all wrong, and on behalf of the wrong picture, we also act was wrong, that is arrogant, Dominant, hard, not honestly, do not know myself, and consider themselves righteous.

Minggu, 03 Januari 2010

i am doing, and i am being

to whom who reading this ...

I really do not want to think that between the current I that I think I have what is different, but because I often read the newspaper every day, well let's think in the article as I copy below:


Aku menjalani, Maka aku Ada
(kompas,03-01-2010, Oleh BreRedana)
Cogito ego sum. Kesangsian metodis dari filsuf Perancis Descrates yang dianggap sebagai titik pangkal filsafat zaman modern ini sendiri tentu saja pada perkembangannya juga banyak yang menggugat.
Cogito, si saya dalam Cartesian itu oleh Lacan, misalnya, dianggap tidak mencakup otonomi subyek secara menyeluruh, pusat interior dan ekspresif manusia. Lacan menggunakan pendekatan psikoanalisis, dan coba mempertanyakan filsafat tadi dengan proses bawah sadar dan keinginan-keinginan yang diekspresikan dalam bahasa. Dia mempertanyakan dengan merujuk pada Freud yang dikenal dengan bantuan manusia atas ego, superego, dan id.
Kalau ditarik lebih jauh seperti itu terasa tambah membingungkan bagi Anda, sudahlah: bahkan dalam kehidupan Jawa dikenal istilah, … ilmu kelakone kanti laku (ilmu terjadinya dengan menjalani). Tidak usah banyak berpikir. Umberto Eco juga pernah berucap bahwa pertanyaan tentang keberadaan, menjadi, being sebenarnya problem paling tidak alami.Sesuatu yang banyak orang sebenarnya tidak memedulikannya, iya toh…
Ungkapan main-main yang diam-diam mempermainkan suatu paradox seperti itu mengingatkan pada guru besar Persatuan Gerak Badan Bangau Putih, Gunawan Rahardja. Ia biasa tiba-tiba muncul di tengah murid-muridnya yang tengah latihan silat, dengan pakaian yang serupa dengan para murid, putih-putih. Bedanya, guru ini selalu membiarkan kaus oblongnya yang sederhana keluar, tidak masuk dalam celananya.
“Jangan dipikirkan…” ucapnya sambil lalu disertai, misalnya, mencablek murid. Atau tegurannya yang lain yang disampaikan tak kalah santai, “..jangan tegang. Santai saja.”
Itu tak kalah paradoksal kalau mengingat pada waktu yang lain dia akan memperhatikan setiap inci gerakan murid, menghitung setiap siku yang membentuk sudut-sudut, dan mempertimbangkan seluruh konsentrasi dan penyebaran tenaga, mana kosong mana isi. “Bukan ruang membentuk kita, tapi bentuk membentuk ruang, gerakan membentuk ruang,”begitu kurang lebih misalnya ucapannya.
Bisa dipahami, mengapa di sini secara tadisi dari dulu Bengkel Teater Rendra sangat akrab dengan perguruan ini, sejak dizaman….
….,Irwan raharja.Dari kesadaran geometric dalam gerak, dia bisa kemudian menguraikan soal rupa, bentuk, wujud. Bagi dia, peniruan umumnya hanya pada tingkat rupa. Perjalanan kita adalah perjalanan menuju esensi, yakni wujud. Krida dalam mengolah rupa, bentuk, wujud itu pasti juga diakrabi mereka yang bergerak dalam penciptaan kreatif, dari sastra sampai arsitektur. Para arsitek yang berpikir dalam paradigm postmedernis, misalnya, akan menggenggam esensi bahwa arsitektur adalah masalah form alias bentuk. Dalam sastra, kalau Anda membaca Roland Barthes, misalnya, awalnya adalah konstruksi kata-kata itu sendiri.
Bagaimana merinci itu semua? Tak akan pernah sepenuhnya tertangkap kalau Anda tidak menjalaninya, katakanlah sebagiaman arsitek merancang bentuk atau penulis mendisiplinkan diri dalam dunia rimba raya kata-kata, seperti pernah dikatakan Pramoedya Ananta Toer: dunia kepengarangan adalah dunia petualangan sendirian menembus hutan.
Dalam gelombang karnaval dan perayaan citra itulah yang makin kurang di zaman ini, yakni suatu krida kehidupan yang mengutamakan laku, praktik, proses menjalani. Dalam kata-kata almarhum Rendra, jarak operasional makin jauh. Katakanlah ada ruangan kotor, kita menggerutu karena kita tak terbiasa lagi menyapu. Tiba-tiba, keadaan yang serba berabe membuat kita-mengutip bahasa jawa-awang-awangen. Gamang, tak tahu lagi dari mana mesti memulai.
Jauhnya jarak operasional manusia dengan apa yang harus dikerjakan di zaman ini dipicu lagi dengan teknologi informasi semacam power point yang biasa diproyeksikan lewat in focus oleh mereka yang gemar menjadi penceramah. Kalau sesuatu sudah disistemisasi lewat program power point, kemudian dipresentasikan melalui in focus, semuanya seakan langsung beres.
Kita hidup di zaman realitas virtual yang makin hari kian manipulative. Keluar dari ruangan ceramah dengan simulasi virtual tadi, kita merasa problem sudah diatasi, dunia sudah beres. Semua dapat nilai A. Persis seperti efek visual nonton film koboi di masa lalu. Keluar gedung bioskop semua orang siku tangannya agak merenggang, masing-masing merasa ada pistol tergantung di pinggang.
Atau justru itulah keajabaian dan kemudahan zaman ini? Citra menyelesaikan segala-galanya? Kalau Anda memiliki sedikit personality yang menyenangkan, pinter ngomong, pasti Anda lebih sukses daripada yang mengerjakan sesuatu secara sungguh-sungguh. Meskipun sebenarnya proses being, men-jadi makin jauh dari Anda. Hanya saja, bukankah seperti kata Eco, tidak hanya orang perduli soal itu..