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Senin, 28 Juni 2010


Disalin dari TETEN MASDUKI diubah oleh darmansjah

Tentakel gurita korupsi terbentang panjang, jalin-menjalin ke mana-mana merasuki lapisan Pemerintahan, bisnis, dan masyarakat Indonesia; memperlihatkan gejala bahwa bangsa ini sedang sakit parah.
Dari satu pemerintahan ke pemerintahan lain sejak era reformasi,sepertinya belum ditemukan cara ampuh mengubah perilaku koruptif bangsa ini kendati kita tak bisa menutup mata atas kemajuan kecil pembaruan hukum dan birokrasi. Fondasi gerakan dan kelembagaan antikorupsi masih sangat rapuh oleh perlawanan balik koruptor yang terganggu kepentingan ekonomi dan politiknya.
Korupsi ,kendati merusak dan menghancurkan kehidupan, yang oleh Thomas Lickona(1992) bisa dibilang salah satu bentuk demoralisasi terparah karena bukan saja merusak individu, melainkan juga lingkungan sosial, melawan nilai norma dan hukum - bukanlah sesuatu yang menakutkan bagi bangsa indonesia. Pencuri ayam sering dikutuk masyarakat meski seganas-ganasnya paling banyak hanya membobol satu kandang ayam, tetapi korupsi di seluruh kementerian bisa menghancurkan negara dan kesatuan NKRI, siapa lagi yang mau peduli - paling banyak hukuman yang dijatuhkan hanya selama 4 tahun dikurangi dengan grasi atau abolisi oleh pemerintah. Sudah sangat mendesak bukan urgensi lagi tapi "important" hukuman mati - apakah kiayi menyetujui atau menolak, entahlah? Disinikah diperlukan JIHAD ?, selain kita melakukan Jihad kepada AS?

Kamis, 24 Juni 2010

Hand of God

Hand of God (football notes by Sindhunata), Kompas, Jakarta 23/11/2009
Edited by Darmansjah

Florian Illies wrote,Van Gaal saying it should trigger a serious theological debate about the image of God that Christianity has been.
Did Not since the theologian Augustine in the early days of the church, Christianity has a picture of God as revealed by Van Gal ( "I like God. I was never sick and always right." From Zeit magazine 5/11/2009), which is God's always true, self-conscious, dominant, arrogant, seriously, though he said he was also innovative, warm, and friendly?
These images would not include what god is real. Even though , de facto, the picture, especially the dominant image of God, arrogant, self-conscious, and serious life for centuries in the Christian self. It's hard, people are freed from the picture.
This shows that the philosopher Ludwig Feurebach criticism of religion, especially Christianity, namely that God is absolute indeed is the fruit of the human mind itself. Awareness of God is the human self-awareness, and knowledge of God is the human self-knowledge. To the nature of God none other than is the human nature itself.
If now someone has a self-conscious of God, dominant, arrogant, cruel, and always right, it really could not be separated from the human traits that make him, the man who is too self conscious, dominant, arrogant, ruthless, and consider myself always right.
Unfortunately, man of God description was eventually created Lord as if it did. And for God's, people were acting dominant, arrogant, loud, violent, and like to impose their own truth to others.
It is time the image of God which was corrected so that the image of God obtained a gentle, full of mercy, forgiveness, compassion, and love. However, it is easy not to correct the image of God. Understand our world as the everyday world. That there is in life is competition, victory, power, and masculinity.
Competition to create dominance. Victory creates arrogance. The power to create injustice. And masculinity to create violence. A Louis van Gaal did not want to continue to succumb under the domination of an "Emperor" Franz Beckenbaeur. Who can defeat the emperor or chairman of a great power and all that, except for "God". Maybe that's why Van Gaal said he is always right as God.
Thierry Henry knows, forbids playing ball with his hands. After all, he did. Understandably, he must obtain a victory by any means', if necessary also with dishonesty "hand of God".
That's the dark side of the everyday world. Thankfully, the side that had emerged and could reflect the situation we are real: we, humans who like to make a picture of God at all wrong, and on behalf of the wrong picture, we also act was wrong, that is arrogant, Dominant, hard, not honestly, do not know myself, and consider themselves righteous.


Hand of God (football notes by Sindhunata), Kompas, Jakarta 23/11/2009
Edited by Darmansjah

Florian Illies wrote,Van Gaal saying it should trigger a serious theological debate about the image of God that Christianity has been.
Did Not since the theologian Augustine in the early days of the church, Christianity has a picture of God as revealed by Van Gal ( "I like God. I was never sick and always right." From Zeit magazine 5/11/2009), which is God's always true, self-conscious, dominant, arrogant, seriously, though he said he was also innovative, warm, and friendly?
These images would not include what god is real. Even though , de facto, the picture, especially the dominant image of God, arrogant, self-conscious, and serious life for centuries in the Christian self. It's hard, people are freed from the picture.
This shows that the philosopher Ludwig Feurebach criticism of religion, especially Christianity, namely that God is absolute indeed is the fruit of the human mind itself. Awareness of God is the human self-awareness, and knowledge of God is the human self-knowledge. To the nature of God none other than is the human nature itself.
If now someone has a self-conscious of God, dominant, arrogant, cruel, and always right, it really could not be separated from the human traits that make him, the man who is too self conscious, dominant, arrogant, ruthless, and consider myself always right.
Unfortunately, man of God description was eventually created Lord as if it did. And for God's, people were acting dominant, arrogant, loud, violent, and like to impose their own truth to others.
It is time the image of God which was corrected so that the image of God obtained a gentle, full of mercy, forgiveness, compassion, and love. However, it is easy not to correct the image of God. Understand our world as the everyday world. That there is in life is competition, victory, power, and masculinity.
Competition to create dominance. Victory creates arrogance. The power to create injustice. And masculinity to create violence. A Louis van Gaal did not want to continue to succumb under the domination of an "Emperor" Franz Beckenbaeur. Who can defeat the emperor or chairman of a great power and all that, except for "God". Maybe that's why Van Gaal said he is always right as God.
Thierry Henry knows, forbids playing ball with his hands. After all, he did. Understandably, he must obtain a victory by any means', if necessary also with dishonesty "hand of God".
That's the dark side of the everyday world. Thankfully, the side that had emerged and could reflect the situation we are real: we, humans who like to make a picture of God at all wrong, and on behalf of the wrong picture, we also act was wrong, that is arrogant, Dominant, hard, not honestly, do not know myself, and consider themselves righteous.

Senin, 14 Juni 2010

Law Enforcement Irony

htthLaw Enforcement Irony
Executive summary by Darmansjah about law inforcement trou Kompas editorial (11-02-20110)

Aspuri tragic fate! Because of accused of stealing a shirt, he was in jail and threatened a five-year prison sentence.
Aspuri just factory workers. He is on trial in Serang District Court on charges of stealing socks Goddess, neighbors. Aspuri thought the shirt was found in the fence so he does not use any advantage. T-shirt was given to someone else. However, as revealed in the trial, the shirt was removed by Marhaban, assistant goddess, who was cleaning his master's house.
Top ignorance that Aspuri in jail since November 2009. Aspuri now could no longer help his foster father. He could no longer teach the Koran. According to prosecutors, the Goddess, the shirt was worth Rp. 80,000. Attorney General could not refuse to argue the case that the police handed the file. The demand will be delivered on Monday (17 / 2).
The story of the more experienced Aspuri exacerbate our law enforcement faces. Litany of irony law enforcement we can not row. Ade Minah grandmother who was accused of stealing cocoa in Purwokerto, there is Rutono in Batang accused of stealing fruit for Rp.12.000 cottonwoods, there Suyanto Basar in Kediri charged stealing watermelons. There are also students who DDY trial because of a bee sting allegedly told classmates.
This asymmetry law enforcement in Indonesia. We do not want to justify the act of theft, but it remains a question whether the criminal path only to go? Is the path that corporal punishment should be taken? Is not there a discretion which is also owned by the police investigators? There was not legal for law itself, but for the people and society. Therefore, straightened his law not only spell chapter and the laws, match-fit it with the actions of criminal elements, but also to provide justice!
Social Claim faster when we saw the small man, who had no social status, does not have economic access, no political access, no access to a range of law enforcement, law enforcement indicates its power. Law enforced without compromise.
However, on the other side of law enforcement is often perceived to be powerless against robbers State money. We often hear the corruptors leave the country shortly before the verdict. Law enforcement to be more lenient to those who have a position or a large political support, which can hire expensive lawyers. With the power of capital owned, they could manage the law enforcement.
Law enforcement is an anomaly that can create public cynicism. Law enforcement was so sharp as to absorb the little people, but blunt when he touched people who have the power. This is the irony.