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Minggu, 27 Februari 2011

Gardens Tour in UK...lets go!

Garden Tours in the UK ....lets go!

by Duomalins

executive summary by Darmansjah
*Peace Garden, with the background of the Town Hall with a Gothic-style architecture
My brain is full, because it is filled with theories and formulas that curly, and meticulous again, and it has lasted for one week. Should I take a break, and this time I plan to visit the place of the green-green so that the brain so fresh. For that, I wish to visit the park in the city where I live now. Park or garden is one of the attractive tourist destination in the UK. Almost every city we visit there must be a garden. The gardens are beautiful and fascinating attraction is one of the tourists when going to visit a city, so that almost all cities in the UK are competing to set up his first for seemingly neat and fascinating. Especially in the spring and summer, the gardens overgrown with flowers of various colors so that the family was transformed into an attractive tourist place, because the city park not only serves as the lungs of the city, it can also function as a low-cost family recreation and fun.
*Peace Garden, with a carnival event

I am very lucky to live in the city of Sheffield, where a lot of his garden. Although almost every housing complex is his first, here filled with places where games for kids. So that the needs of the children to play in the wild facilitated well, because their daily lives in the flat and appartemen, where limited space to play, so who meet again ..you, you again, and you again, are you so bored, because it was so small and flat such appartemen.
*Winter Garden adjacent to a hotel

Well ... now I was ready to depart, with a knapsack on his back and of course one camera in hand, for those who want to go, Follow me from behind yeah ...!.
*The atmosphere inside the Winter Garden

First, we will visit the Peace Garden, which is located middle of a city with an area of 0.67 hectares. Adjacent to the office of Sheffield Town Hall (town hall office) gothic-style architecture. Equipped with the fountain in the garden amid the background by the office of city hall. Garden is often used as a photo session out married at city hall office. So on certain days we will find a new bride here. Because of its location close to downtown, then in summer this garden will be invaded by the public for sunbathing. And of course on certain days the park was used for activity-specific activity of, as in the photo below, where there is a carnival event organized by elementary school students.
*Weston Park, when the spring

Not far from this garden of peace, can we meet the winter garden. Winter garden located in a large greenhouse. Greenhouse which is among the largest ever built in the UK. With a display of 70 meters and 22 meters high. Here in the collection of about 2,500 plants from around the world. And tropical plants that are here will live throughout the year because it is located in the greenhouse temperature was regulated in such a way. In addition to the winter garden is this, can we find cafes, hotels and Millennium gallery. In the Millennium Galleries will we encounter objects of art, crafts and design, to enter free of charge or free.

*Weston Park with a museum background

Weston Park

*Weston Park, With the background of a tennis court

Weston Park is adjacent to Sheffield University. So the park is frequently used by students for outdoor activities that nature. In this park there are also tennis courts, so the park is synonymous with a place for air sports activities like jogging and activity of other minor sports, especially in the afternoon. In this park there is a museum, here we can learn the history of the city of Sheffield. To enter this museum are free.
*The gate, Botanical Garden

This park is also often used as a wedding, where the pronunciation of lively-and-passaway promise made in the open and of course the show will be solemn as witnessed by the chirping of the birds and the squirrels jumping from one branch to another branch. Wow .. very romantic and will be unfogetable experience yeah.
*Botanical Garden, with its glass house

Botanical Garden
*The chairs in the garden is the contribution of donor

Botanical garden was opened in 1836, with an area of 19 hectares. With a collection of plants from around the world, from Asia, America and the Mediterranean. Inside the Botanical Garden complex is in addition there is aspacious garden ,there is also a greenhouse ( glassPaviliuns ),gift shop and cafe . In this greenhouse cultivated plants from around the world, here we can see a typical plant of Asia, so we feel they are in the tropics, so that could be remedied homesick a little.
*Tulip flowers with different colors
Apparently the city government is very concerned about the environment that is beautiful, and this park will help the residents of the city, which can be a place of family recreation cheap and can also be used where the wedding feast. In general, this park is open from 8am to 5pm. Especially for the Peace Garden is open for 24 hours. Fortunately this park yes, because many donors who graciously volunteered to donate money to the beauty of the park, so the park is always beautiful throughout the year.

*well-ordered and harmonious
Since time has begun in the afternoon, and the legs are tired, Enough for this time I used our trip in a tourist park this time, although there are very many other parks around here. Incidentally the park that we visit this time its location adjacent and can be reached by foot. Kompasioner know, I am not a student, so I travel without spending any money at all. Now I want to learn anymore, because the brain is fresh and ready to be in charge again. I learned first ya ... bye.

Sabtu, 26 Februari 2011

A visit to Madura

A visit to Madura executive summary by Darmansjah

In the midst of the rain Surabaya, after breakfast “Lontong Balap” near Surabaya Post Office we begin the journey toward the Madurese.

In Madura, the main object that we aim at is Bridge. Often times we see the bridge that has spent a total of 4.5 trillion rupiah this on TV. We never imagined can take pictures at the bridge which has a length of 5438 m. And it turns out our fantasies can become reality, could be fun though  time because of drizzle and especially fear of the police patrol that would cause it caught us as narcissistic in Suramadu.

Because they do not want redundant rental car for 12 hours so we asked the driver to drop off our rental car we walk on the island of Madura. But unfortunately, it does not know arek Suroboyo sights on Madura. So armed with GPS in Blackberry friends, we find impromptu tourist attraction in the city of Bangkalan, namely Pasarean Aermata in” Areksurobaya”. I think this Aermata name of a beach in Madura because there aer word or water. Because my brain have saved it as a beach, so will see the signpost signpost reading "Pasarean Aermata" I insist imagine a beach, do not remember if pasarean it is a bed or a tomb.

Arriving there is still morning at around 10's. Then we climbed the stairs to the tomb. A few meters from the complex of the funeral, we were besieged by fans of the children and mothers who ask for alms money. Because of the way that forces and direct them to attack, so we were surprised to get this sudden attack. Then finally we arrived at the cemetery and are required to report on the cemetery caretaker after that we were asked to give money.We thought it was strange to see so many slippers outside the cemetery gates, but we did not find anyone inside. But when we walked further into before we knew was there we found a lot of people sit together around a large tomb. That is the tomb of the intended pilgrims, the tomb of a queen in Madura.

The origin of the burial complex of Aer Eye itself comes from the story of Prince Cakraningrat I who ruled the island of Madura in the period around 1624 during the rule-1648.Saat undergo it, Cakraningrat I have an empress who reportedly very beautiful, with a name that in the future Ambami Syarifah known as the Queen Mother. When Cakraningrat I own reign, Madura more controlled from Mataram. Because, at the time, energy, thoughts, and expertise Cakraningrat I also needed by Sultan Agung of Mataram as lead manager.

Seeing things like that (to be left in charge), making him (Syarifah Ambami) sad. Day and night crying, mourning him who hold since left her husband. Then he meditated and prayed for seven descendants became leaders in Madura. The husband was angry when told his wife's request in his asceticism. He was disappointed because the requested his wife only 7 offspring. Absurdly so, why not all the descendants? So the husband left his wife back to Mataram. After that tears the queen be-so, so that finally his tomb called Aermata Mother. After praying for the occupants of the complex, then we hurried to leave the funeral complex.

Towards noon we began to nagging stomach wants to be a meal, then we went back west towards Warung Bebek Bangkalan Sinjay. Previously we had passed a shop not far from Suramadu, but because it was raining and buyers shop exploded, so we do not desire to simply stop by the shop. But what may make
for hungry and wanted to know the secret implied hectic with the shop, then two of our friends are willing to wait queue in the shop for 1.5 hours just to buy a six pack of rice dishes plus the flagship shop, Duck Sinjay

Finally, wrap the rice worth 11 thousand that we brush out at the Gallery Batik Trisno. Both the owners and guardians of parking once there. We did not buy batik in there, but we can go to the restroom, eat also passengers ride for free car parking. Well, although we ended batik shop elsewhere, but the mind both the owner of this gallery we will always remember.In Stores Batik Aulia we finally found a price appropriate for the contents of our pockets. Stairs to the shop located on the second floor is filled with pictures of the officials who visited. Unfortunately yes owner of the store and its employees do not recognize who we are, so, well, we willingly if not anyone ask for photos together.

Apparently this store to get items from batik craftsmen in several cities in Madura, such as from Sampang, from Pamekasan, Sumenep also from Bangkalan own. In my opinion, Madura batik motif is different from the others in terms of color batik. Batik Madura has a bright color and bold.

Actually we wanted to round up to the Sumenep Madura. Still remember a dozen years ago I went to Madura, where the car seemed to be at sea because of the many salt mines. However, due to rain and when we finally decided to return to Surabaya to visit tourist attractions that we have not had time to visit.

Jumat, 25 Februari 2011

Each season with its own charm

Each season with its own charm

By Abun Sanda executive summary by Darmansjah

For those countries that experienced four seasons, always feel every season has its own charm. Each resident has their own rhythm to enjoy the season.

In the fall, looks like people walking in the trees without leaves. They love to take pictures there or joking in the area of large trees, which leaves only a stump and branches. In Boston, for example, a tree without leaves this region has become a place of learning that's fun. The students sit on the sidewalk to read a book or discussing various things. There was no impression they disturbed by the presence of trees without leaves.

There does not appear prankster cut trees are left leaves it. Does not look all residents set up camp for a nap in there. What about immigrants in his country there is no autumn? Initially, it seemed strange to see almost all the bare trees total. However, if attention is better, fun. The tree line that has its own charm. Looks artistic and exotic with the curves and strokes are in the trunk of the tree.

In winter, a different story. Bare trees with his form was still unique. That is not only cold comfort that often "outrageous". When to Washington DC last month, I was quite tormented by temperatures that reached minus eleven degrees Celsius. Fortunately, after two days, the body is used to adjust. I was pacing in the leafless trees, when the snow stops flushed earth. If trees could talk, maybe they'll shout, 'I was quite handsome but without the leaf. "

The atmosphere felt in the other Scandinavian countries. In Finland, for example, people generally used to enjoy the fierce winter. If winter comes with a roar that shook the soul, the air temperature can be between minus 30 degrees Celsius to minus 50 degrees Celsius. Arga is used in the tropical season will be tortured again. The cold should not Ask, it's wearing winter clothes and jackets up to six layers are still not enough. Cars parked in the yard, within an hour it was transformed into a pile of clean white ice.

However, despite the very cold this stabbing cover the city, residents remain active. They can shop, entered the office, skiing, playing soccer in a stony sea ice. Mainland was originally the sea. In the winter, for instance in Helsinki, sea water was frozen, hard not to play. Some residents, take advantage of this crazy winter with a hole in the frozen sea. They are easy to catch fish in the hole. Clot new ice usually melts in April.

Winter in the country which is very close to this pole is much longer than in some other countries in Europe. But, as written at the beginning of this paper, each season it has its own charm. In the winter even permanent residents can enjoy it, while laughing.

Kamis, 24 Februari 2011

London, Heaven shopping enthusiast

House of Parlianment of London England

London, Heaven shopping enthusiast executive summary by Darmansjah
Old London England

London at the end of the year is like "heaven" for the shopping enthusiast. Temperatures are not moved from the number 0 degrees celsius, the biting wind away, and the gloomy atmosphere of the city that continues because the sun rarely appeared, did not dampen the spirit of the tourists from all over the world to come to the city.
Regent Street

Oxford Street and Regent Street, for example, two pieces streets packed with stalls from a variety of famous brand clothing almost every day filled with visitors. They walked quickly, while the right hand and left hand full of groceries.
Oxford Street

The lure of discounts up to 50 percent, or even up to 75 percent after the Christmas celebration, became a magnet for tourists to keep visiting London.
regent street

Prospective buyers are willing to even wait until the shops open in temperatures that are not friendly to get goods cheaply.

Buckingham Palace London

Residents who normally meet during the summer garden has been moved to places warmer shopping as well suited to channel the desire to shop.

Rabu, 23 Februari 2011

Anchored Flower and Butterfly

Anchored Flower and Butterfly by  Myrna Ratna executive summary by Darmansjah

Sea of flowers that invite the presence of a butterfly. In the city of Victoria, Canada, blend them into a world charm.

Dusk was looming. Tourist buses one by one left the parking lot. Butchart Garden gradually deserted. The beauty in it as a private possession.

Autumn wind shaking the sea of flowers that lie on the 25-acre park. Almost all ornamental flowers and wild flower that grows in tropical countries or there are four seasons here. Call it lavatera, achillea, rdbeckia, hibiscus, dahlias, poppies, flowers are suitable to grow in the sun. Or groups of Zantedeschia (lilies groups) who need a little sunshine and also rhododendrons, begonias, daisies, physostegia, and others.

Past the entrance, direct eye essence park spoiled by flower beds. They were sticking out of the lattice pergola, coursed through wooden fences are made to build a Mediterranean atmosphere. The road was then curved and split into different directions.

Green-paced atmosphere and more "jungle" waiting in the corner. Large trees, of which more than a century old, shade the humus-covered walkways, reminiscent of the giant trees in our national parks. There populus, maple, Sequoia, with the sucker-spiraling that hung almost touching the ground. The tranquility is sometimes broken by chirping birds clustered on tree trunks busy. Not long run, open space waiting in front of the eye. Landscape unfold like a picture postcard. This is the Sunken Garden which became an icon among the gardens here.

From the height, this garden-like basin surrounded by valleys. Flowers clustered by type grove. Begonia group, for example, juxtaposed with a group of white chrysanthemum, yellow, red, pink, orange, and blue. While the butterfly with colors that are not less conspicuous flying and perched in the tops of the flowers. A refreshing blend of beautiful eyes.

Age Butchart Gardens has more than one hundred years and since 2004 the park is visited by millions of tourists each year was designated a national historical site of Canada.

Creation of this park was started by Robert Pim Butchart (1856-1943) and his wife, Jennie Butchart (1866-1950), who has a country home design with wide expanse of land surrounding it.

Since 1939, park maintenance is handled their grandson, Ian Ross (1918-1997), who also shared Butchart Gardens into several "clusters", namely the Rose Garden, Sunken Garden, Japanese Garden, Italian Garden, and Garden of the Mediterranean. Until now, the family retained ownership of it from generation to generation.

British Impressions

Butchart Garden is just one of many city-owned assets are loaded with trail Victorian England. In addition to heritage buildings that still maintained the colonial period, the English tradition is still maintained. For example, with 55 Canadian dollars, you can enjoy afternoon tea party at the Fairmont Empress hotel. Hotel that he was already more than a century that is surrounded by spacious lawns and flower fence life. Even the front of the hotel's facade is covered by a creeping vine plant wall and the sides of the window. Porch facing directly toward the port (Inner Harbour), where dozens of cruise ships resting.

From across the hotel, the city can begin the search on foot. The road along the old city area fenced off the tree line that looks almost twins, so awake to maintain. The buildings of the colonial era relics mostly converted to restaurants, souvenir shops, clothing boutiques, and galleries, which have been aimed at tourists suck. Direct memory flashed to the old town of Jakarta, which is far more exotic, but until now still not be empowered and preserved areas.

Past noon, the crowd moved to the corners of cafes and restaurants. Store ice cream, pancakes, burgers, and hotdogs to be the target children. While the restaurant-restaurant with a full menu enthused elderly travelers could spend hours. The backpackers are many who choose to stretch the body and legs on the edge of the park while eating lunch and hear the free presentation of street musicians.

Victoria, who was mentioned as one of the "jewel" in parts of North America about 100 kilometers away from the city of Vancouver and can be taken about three hours by public transportation. We can book tickets at the bus station (Pacific Coach) in Vancouver with a price around 80 dollars to go home. With this convenient bus trip to the port takes about one hour, followed by a ferry, also about an hour. After landing, the same bus will take us to downtown Victoria.

All regular and all-round all-round security. The disabilities, including those using wheelchairs, also has access to visit tourist sites anywhere because those facilities are available, even preferred.

A resort fit to clear the mind and heart ... peace.

Selasa, 22 Februari 2011

Cheap shopping in Sham Shui Po

Cheap shopping in Sham Shui Po by Kine Risty executive summary By Darmansjah

Sham Shui Po, known as the Golden Computer Arcade and Golden Shopping Centre, because it has a long historic computer mall in Hong Kong.

That afternoon I and my friend Vita, Sham Shui Po stopped in order to buy a monopod. From Sham Shui Po MTR Exit A2 we choose to go Apliu Street where many sellers battery, radio equipment, mobile phones, watches, camera, Hi-fi and much more. Another alternative route can be via Exit C2.

For a moment we looked around searching for Camera equipment vendors. But the steps we stopped, our eyes fixed on the figure of mothers and small children are begging. It turned out that in Hong Kong there are still some beggars who roam. Most of the beggars that, had the flawed body and according to my boss Mama * Mother * they come from mainland China who had as a child was abducted and made defective limbs. Horrified when I heard Mama tell you about the children who were abducted and later made such defects. But the beggar was not disabled and still look healthy.

Then we continue to see stores along the street Apliu. For a moment my friend picking monopot cool but then he invited me over to see the reasons elsewhere who knew something cheaper. In a place like this is we must be smart to choose, at least know a store that sells at low prices than others. Otherwise traders will definitely cheated.

For a moment my eyes fell on a shop that sells used goods. When I direct the camera toward the store, the retailer does not let me take a picture. I'm no less sense, I'm still desperate to take a photo with a somewhat hidden from view sellers. Hehehe .. the more forbidden the more curious nich!

Our feet still cool down the shop after shop in Sham Shui Po. Here the price of laptops and mobile phones at a slight angle, compared to buying in Fortress or Broadway. My friend finally found a monopod with a cheaper price than elsewhere. The price difference is about 35 dollars from a store that we visited. When you have finished paying the cashier, we went on holiday to the Indonesian villages where the Jiji Nove has been waiting. Ayoo who's going to Sham Shui Po roads not anterin while still in Hong Kong.

Senin, 21 Februari 2011

Ferris Islam in Mecca and Medina

Ferris Islam in Mecca and Medina executive summary by Darmansjah

Muslims from various nationalities, sects, and political affiliation are united in the ritual tawaf around the Kaaba.

Mid-November ago, around the 10th of Dhul-Hijjah in the Islamic calendar, more than two million Muslims gather in the Holy Land. They are pilgrims who come from all over the world. They come from many countries and represent diverse ethnic, racial, and nation.

Therefore, the panorama that lay between Mecca and Medina during the recent pilgrimage is the "rainbow of Islam", Islamic colorful. Various historical background and cultural differences among the members of pilgrims has spawned Islamic expression is not uniform. Plurality of Islam, among others, seen from a variety of Muslim dress is worn.

While the pilgrimage group from other continents generally wear plain white Muslim dress, some members of pilgrims from African countries, including Ivory Coast and Guinea, was wearing a long dress, robe, or mukena (for the women) colorful floral motif : red, blue, green, and orange.

The members of the South African pilgrims, despite closing the genitals with a long dress, also equip themselves with a safari hat or wide Panama hat like a cowboy hat to protect yourself from sunburn Mecca and Medina. The women members of the entourage of the Iranian pilgrims also look different with Muslim dress and veil their distinctive black. Meanwhile, fabric glove and a black cap is the typical male clothing Indonesian pilgrims.

The plurality apparently long since it is common among Muslims
. In Mecca and Medina, pluralism in Islam seem real. This prevalence was not only come to make Islam as one of the world religions, but also the followers of religions that have charming.

Minggu, 20 Februari 2011

Do to Indonesia

Do to Indonesia  executive summary by Darmansjah

 aljui gulf panoramic

The atmosphere in Waigeo Aljui panoramic Bay, Raja Ampat Islands, West Papua, which swept bright sunshine early 2011, Saturday (1 / 1). The atmosphere was recorded from Waigeo Island, where Kalakay KRI-818 docked with the commander of the Sea Captain (P) Sunarya who were patrolling.

 ambon gulf

God was smiling when creating Indonesia. Beautiful lush country with all the diversity of cultural heritage. Diversity of local wisdom that teaches about the relationship between man and nature. Local wisdom, which is far from personal greed or a group, able touniting people of Indonesia for independence from colonialism .
lobo beach at miangas
However, now we can only feel the warmth of unity like that again at disaster sites. Thousands of people from different regions came directly to assist disaster victims. They struggled to evacuate the victims, bury the dead, to distribute logistics for refugees with no strings attached. Their joy is when watching disaster victims smile again. Nothing more.

Agent nobleness

They become agents of moral grandeur spreader nation has a population of 237 million souls. Country stretching from Sabang to Merauke, and from Miangas to Rote Island is evidently still has a strong humanitarian spirit.
mentawai sea shore

Indonesia is not like sophist politicians who often do not produce a solution to the problem. Moreover, as the political scene lately has more incentive to voice the interests of groups rather than national.
mount merapi eruption

The community was led fragmented life in bulkhead primordialism and religion. They are increasingly caught in a democracy that relies on imaging consultant survey.
north pagai district

Actually there are many people in Indonesia who runs the noble values, such as mutual cooperation, consensus, and tolerance. Communities in Wasior, Wondama Bay District, West Papua; Mentawai Islands regency, West Sumatra; Wayame, Ambon Bay, Ambon, Maluku, and the slopes of Mount Merapi in Central Java and Yogyakarta Special Region is still caring for the social solidarity of mature trees.

 rote island

As in the Village Ramiki, Wasior. Agus brothers Sawaki (30) and Tera Sawaki (32) build a water pipeline from the spring as far as 100 meters to the location of temporary shelters the refugees in their village. Their efforts were not in vain. Magdalena Ramar (21) and 100 other refugee families no longer need to carry water from springs.

rote island
"Poor. If not assisted, IDPs have to haul water back and forth, "said Tera.


Without complaining about the government, Tera and Agus tried alone to build the pipeline of clean water for refugees. They also do not demand anything from the refugees for their toil.
tumalei village
Look alertness Yanto, the village head Banyuroto, Sawangan District, Magelang regency, Central Java. Yanto directly act quickly when thousands of citizens Shaman District, Magelang District, and District residents Selo, Boyolali district, fled from hot clouds of Mount Merapi, 5 November 2010. Banyuroto Village area is not a refugee. However, Yanto without doubt directly prepare people's houses, school buildings, and balaidesa to accommodate the refugees who physically and mentally exhausted.
waigeo isle
Yanto directly asking each family in the village of Banyuroto donated five packs of rice with side dishes for consumption refugees. There is no question for whom rice is given or why every family should donate five packs.
waigeo island
They did it exactly like the freedom struggle of tens of years ago, when everyone fighting for the Republic of Indonesia. Not to race, religion, or their group. Banyuroto Villagers live it with joy. "Helping others is the duty of us all," said Yanti.

 wasior today

We learn from the disaster site, victims and volunteers aware of their strength is united. Conflict without a solution will only add to their burden and did not solve the problem. Decisiveness, transparency, and sincerity is the key factor to get out of the situation in the area of disaster emergency department.
wondama bay
As in Hamlet Tumalei, Silabu Village, North Pagai District, which includes a remote region in the Mentawai Islands regency, West Sumatra. Residents worked together to build new settlements in an area of 7 acres which granted Saogo Cornelius (65), Christian Berisigep, Libertius Saogo, Robertinus Saogo, and Mortius Saogo (deceased), through his heirs, Nurman Saogo, voluntarily.

They do not care about trees white meranti, red meranti, balam, banana, coconut, and other economic-value crops are being felled to relocated residents. Cornelius said he has given up ground and garden to residential because it did not want to live alone. Now, three homes had stood up and followed the next four houses before all 43 houses are planned to be completed next year.


Community persistence value of nobleness nation run sometimes disturbed the temptation and seduction of a pragmatic politician. They use instant ways to embrace the support, then leave the people after getting the position.

Former General Chairman of Muhammadiyah's central leadership Ahmad Syafii Maarif said, at present, even the people of Indonesia are like being colonized by our own people. It is characterized by the efforts of various parties to exploit the people who, among other things, manifested in corruption practices that became increasingly.

Syafii said, it becomes something to be aware because the initial symptoms of the destruction of the nation. "Indonesian people are feared to mimic traces the history of the VOC which was destroyed in 1799 because it encroached on corruption," he said.

Indonesia grew not because one group or class struggle. We should maintain the diversity that united Indonesia, without exception